Our dentists and team at Just Kidz Dentistry love our community, and we enjoy giving back wherever we can. Our team is always looking for different opportunities to serve our friends and neighbors, such as providing silent auction baskets, sponsoring local fundraisers and supporting our patients in their journey to beautiful smiles. To learn more about our community involvement, give us a call or contact us via email at edutton@justkidzdentistry.com.
Ongoing Support
Pumpkin Contest 2024
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in our 2024 pumpkin decorating contest!

Pumpkin Contest 2023
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in our 2023 pumpkin decorating contest!

Pumpkin Contest 2022
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in our 2022 pumpkin decorating contest!

Pumpkin Contest 2021
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in our 2021 pumpkin decorating contest!

Pumpkin Contest 2020
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in this year’s pumpkin decorating contest!

Be Anything — Be a Dentist for a Day 2019

Pumpkin Contest 2019
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in this year’s pumpkin decorating contest!

Halloween Candy Buy Back 2018

Pumpkin Contest 2018
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in this year’s pumpkin decorating contest!

Dental Education 2018
In 2018 our team will visit over 2,600 preschool- and school-age children in the Greater Peoria Area!
Thank you for choosing Just Kidz Dentistry to provide your children with their dental education. Give us a call or email our office to schedule a visit to your child’s school!
Blanket Making for the Children’s Hospital of Illinois
Our team at Just Kidz Dentistry made 13 blankets at our November staff meeting!

Candy Buy Back 2017
This year’s Halloween Candy Buyback total exceeded 500 pounds! Just Kidz Dentistry is thankful for all who sold their candy for the soldiers!

Pumpkin Contest 2017
A huge THANK YOU to all our participants in this year’s pumpkin decorating contest!
WINNER: Ice Cream Triple Scoop- Northgate Dental

Dental Education 2017
We had a great time visiting over 2,800 preschool- and school-age children in the Greater Peoria Area!
Thank you for choosing Just Kidz Dentistry for your dental education!
Drop Off Your New Toys for Santa Bill!
2016 Halloween Candy Buy Back (11/01 – 11/03)
We will be buying back your child’s candy in our offices during regular office hours 8 am- 5 pm (lunch from 1-2pm). We will pay $1.00 per pound of candy. Candy will be shipped to Operation Gratitude for soldiers serving overseas.
2016 Pumpkin Decorating Contestants
“We’re in this together” and have enjoyed seeing so many area dental offices and orthodontists participate in our contest this year!
Thank you for participating!
2016 Winner: Hedgehog – Dr. DeMonte’s Office

October 3, 2016
2016 American Heart Association
Peoria Heart Walk- Kid Zone Sponsor
September 2016

2016 United Way Superhero 5K ATS
August 2016
February 2016 – National Dental Children’s Health Month
Our staff saw 2600+ students this year!
Jeans for Teens 2016
Drop off your gently used denim for local teens in need at both of our office locations to support
Richwoods High School and Jack and Jill of America!
2015 December “Toys Teddys” Drive (12/7 – 12/17)
Santa’s Hospital Helpers at Children’s Hospital of Illinois and Neighborhood House
We will be collecting new toys and teddy bears for Santa Bill Neighborhood House 12/7- 12/17 in our offices during regular business hours.

2015 November Helping to Feed Children and Families (11/09 – 11/19)
Please drop off items listed below at both offices during regular business hours for Neighborhood House in Peoria, IL. Thank you for meeting the need!
- Baby formula
- Protein products (canned tuna, chicken, etc.)
- Soups or canned meals

2015 Halloween Candy Buy Back (11/02 – 11/05)
We will be buying back your child’s candy in our offices during regular office hours 8 am- 5 pm (lunch from 1-2pm). We will pay $1.00 per pound of candy and also donate $1.00 per pound of candy to Susan G. Komen. Candy will be shipped to Operation Gratitude for soldiers serving overseas.
2015 Pumpkin Decorating Contest
“We’re in this together” and have enjoyed seeing so many area dental community and orthodontists participate in our contest this year!
Thank you for participating!
2015 Winner: Cheeseburger – Family Dental of East Peoria

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Christa Spates, Dr. or Dr. Sabeen Hafeez , give us a call today!
We are proud to provide pediatric and special needs dentistry in Peoria and Washington, Illinois, and those in the surrounding areas, including Bartonville, Canton, Chillicothe, Deer Creek, Dunlap, East Peoria, Eureka, Galesburg, Germantown Hills, Mackinaw, Metamora, Morton and Pekin, Illinois.